Tuesday, December 13, 2011

2010 Writer's Market Deluxe Edition

My To Do List for today consisted of making a trip to the dollar store to stock up on some final stocking stuffers and cheapy toys to fill out the kiddos Christmas and then head to the library. The dollar store I was headed for is a national chain and puts out a flyer in the paper on Sundays, so I had high hopes of the "deals" I would find!  I think the store in my area is probably the worst in the nation! It had absolutely none of the things the ad claimed would be there. I know the small print always says "selection may vary by store" but I figured there would be something there!  Even with as disappointed as I was, I still managed to gather up $40 worth of junk!  (FYI- trying to christmas shop for toys with 2 toddlers should be an olympic sport. I would attempt to divert their attention to one thing on the shelf while I then frantically grabbed what I wanted and hid it underneath the shopping cart!  I didn't always succeed, but that is also the nice thing about toddlers...they have short memories!)

Next we headed to the library. (Yet again, an almost impossible feat when you have two book loving kiddos who want to pull down every book and look through it! The cranky old library ladies just LOVE to see us coming!) But I had done my research and had a list of possible books I wanted to give a try and I figured it would not be too difficult to locate them. All well and great if my crummy little neighborhood library actually HAD any of them on their shelves! So frustrating that my library seemingly does not carry anything written prior to 1985 or resembling interesting. I could not find one book on my list - so I made a quick scan of the biography and history books but my choices there were a Jane Fonda autobiography (A big hell to the NO!) or super boring book about Gettysburg (I couldn't even get through the jacket description!)  I could drive the few extra miles and go to the main library but I am so cheap I don't want to waste the gas. I figure I could go to the closer half price books and get the book for the same amount it would cost me in gas to drive to the big library! I know, even I exhaust myself sometimes!

So I opted for the 2010 Writer's Market Deluxe Edtion. Maybe by reading this I might know where to send that book I am going to write someday! I have all these ideas in my head, but when I go to put them on paper - they get lost in translation between my brain and my pen! But someday I will and I will know where to get my first rejection letter! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. the book is there i have given you several ideas,the murder mystery at the ballpark the childrens book or the saga of growing up in a small town and how that shaped your outlook on things lol.
