seems like it has been awhile since I actually watched something I haven't already seen a bazillion times. But the hubby and I attempted to watch "Inception" the other night. Leo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It was one of those movies that got so much buzz, yet it just never jumped out to me, so I never really made the effort to watch it.
But it just so happened that another blog that I read made a post about how much she loved "Inception" so I thought, might as well give it a go. We knew pretty quick into the movie...we had made a mistake. When the plot takes about 3 turns before the opening credits are even finished, you might be in trouble. And I am all for a few twists and turns but this thing had so many that I spent the majority of the movie looking at my husband and saying "what!??"
Leo's character goes into people's dreams to steal their ideas. Futuristic corporate espionage. Already sounds far fetched but I will give it a little latitiude. His partner is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. If that isn't confusing enough, they attempt to plant an idea in someone and it requires all these different dream levels and making someone think they are dreaming within a dream...I don't know but I am confused already just trying to remember it. And to add to the confusion, Leo's character has lots of drama with his wife who got lost in their dreams and then commited suicide because she thought reality was really dream and she keeps showing up in his dreams trying to kill him...
Things just get so confusing that about an hour in the hubby and I were both checking to see how much longer the movie lasted. (Never a good sign) And to our horror, it was a 2 and half hour movie! But we were committed and going to finish it! And of course I shoud of known with a movie this frustrating there was no way it was going to end resolved. The ending left you hanging. Just infuriated me that I had spent 2 and half hours watching this craziness to be left hanging!
The bright spots of the movie for me were definately Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character. He had a little bit of wit, was an impecable dresser (why don't men dress that way all the time now? Oh how I long for the days that men wore 3 piece suits and hats...can fashion please revive the 1940's!!!) And watching him tie floating people together and float them down a hallway and into an elevator was just comical. (It wasn't supposed to be but I found it utterly hilarious!)
If you haven't seen it..don't waste your time. If you have...did you like it? Really? Why?
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