Monday, January 2, 2012

Outlander Review

So the last week of 2011 I buckled down and got myself comfortable on the couch and finished "Outlander."  I had a little trouble getting into the book initially but once some action finally started taking place and a few little twists and such started happening it became easier to read.

I think my difficulty in the book came with having to read the dialogue. The main characters are Scottish, so she wrote their conversations phonetically. I felt like I was playing a really long game of Mad Gab. I had to read and then re-read and re-read again most of the dialogue to pick up on exactly what they were saying. By page 400 I kinda had it down.

And in some places I felt she went on too long discribing this castle or that castle or the dining hall where everyone gathered and then when it came to rescuing her husband from prison- that happened in two sentences! I had to flip back and re-read a couple of pages to make sure I had not accidently skipped a page!

Overall - I think I might of given up on the book had I not heard so many good things about it. But I did stick with it and I must admit by the end of the book, it left me intrigued enough to be in search of the second book of the series.

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