Thursday, December 15, 2011


Big Disappointment! Last night I knew there was going to be NOTHING on TV so in an attempt to avoid the inevitable screaming, running, and all out general chaos that my house becomes in the evenings I rented a movie during the week! Rio was one no one in the family had seen and from what I heard it was a cute little movie. Seemed to me like it would be a hit with the kids...bright colors, talking animals, action, singing and dancing....and it had all that but it just missed the mark.

Two-year-olds are the greatest indication of the quality of a movie. It started out slow and just never found a good grove. There were moments that caught their attention but it just didn't hold it. And to be honest, it didn't even hold mine. About 30 minutes in, I was searching the internet for the running time of Rio. It was a LOOONNGG 96 minutes. The twins gave up on it pretty quick. They were running around and getting into things and it doesn't take much for my 8-year-old to loose focus, so pretty soon the movie was just providing background noise to the noise of the kids. The hubby was volunteering to go to the store in the rain, I was reading blogs and the kids had abandoned the movie and were playing in the playroom!

Now my youngest son is my movie watcher and when he bores with a movie, it is a given the other two will as well! Rio had all the elements of a great kid movie - it just didn't get there for some reason. It was like that perfect steak. Looks so good and you can't wait to take that first bite only to discover it is as tough as boot leather! Such a huge let down!

The movies that hit that mark and are on a continous loop in my household....All the Toy Story movies, Planet 51, Shrek, Tangled, Monsters Inc., and Astro Boy. My children will plop themselves on the couch and not move during these movies no matter how many times they watch them. I had hoped to add Rio to that list, but nope! At least I used a Free rental on it and it didn't cost me any money! I would be a lot angrier if I had wasted a $1.20!

On a brighter note - I checked my library's online catalog and it looks like one of the books I wanted has been checked back in, so the twins and I will be making another trip to the library.

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